Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hakuna Matata, ABIDE, and other random thoughts

Hello all! Sorry for the late post...you'll probably be hearing that a lot because sometimes it's hard to get to use the internet...which brings me to my "Random word of the week" segment (P.S. I am starting a "random word of the week" segment from now on!). The word this week is Hakuna Matata - yes, that's right...Hakuna Matata which means (and this will be easy for those of you with Disney Trivia knowledge) "No worries". Things are slow here - life, the internet, cars...so just take it easy, don't worry - you know, Hakuna Matata!!!

ANYWHO, things are going AMAZINGLY well. But I realized that I hadn't told you exactly what I am doing while I'm here, so I'll use this post to finally do so!

Today we started the program I am helping to lead called ABIDE - Amagara Bible Institute of Discipleship and Evangelism. It sounds fancy, doesn't it? Simply put, it is a discipleship program for Ugandan men who recently graduated high school (they call high school "secondary school"). There are five men in the program this year and it will be lasting four months. A huge problem in Uganda is a serious lack of GOOD leadership - of men who take care of their wives, don't abuse alcohol, and know what it means to be honest. This program is aiming to instill that type of leadership in these men. The hope is that one day, their will be ABIDE programs throughout Uganda, discipling men in the way that Jesus Christ led us. It is quite the undertaking as you can imagine and the program, the men I am with, and I need your prayers. It's intense. We are reading 4 books right now plus the Book of John, chapters 13 through 17, when Jesus teaches on Discipleship. I'll have to talk about the books we are reading some other time...but I am so excited to be starting and I am settling in well. So mom and dad, hakuna matata, ok? Love you all and miss you...

-Matayo <><

P.S. Something I thought about the other day was that while I am praying for you all here in Uganda, I am 9 hours ahead...so when you're all sleeping, I'm praying. And when you are praying for me in the good ole' USA, I am sleeping...so it's like 24 hours of prayer is going on!!! SWEET!!! God is good, and is working all over...in Uganda and America. Email me and say hi... matt2uganda@gmail.com

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